Wednesday, January 11, 2012

football.... stats prove its so boring you are able to almost refer to it as baseball

Football has deep roots in the usa and is renowned for its large hits as well as bigger egos. When individuals think about football they often imagine action packed plays from celebrity sports athletes. That can be a can be every once in awhile an analysis in cheap nfl jerseys free shipping the Wall Street Journal analyzes just how much football youe really watching. I consider myself an enthusiastic fan of bothcollege and professional football and that i find this appalling.

The Wall Street Journal analyzed multiple games throughout the growing season and found the cheap nfl jerseys free shipping final outcome that there's about 11 minutes of actual action throughout a game title! You can voice your opinion below.

Here are some stats they set up.

Total Time (without advertisements) - 1 hr, 57 min

Waiting for- 1 hr, 9 min, 40 sec

Replays- 14 min, 21 sec

Playing time- 11 min, 25 sec

Coach Shots- 6 min. 17 sec

Sideline player shots- 4 min

Referee shots- 3 min, 39 sec

Advertisement- one minute, 40 sec

Injuries shots- one minute, 32 sec

Other games- one minute, 10 sec

Misc. highlights- 46 sec

Kicker cheap Saints Jerseys starting to warm up- 40 sec

Gamers honoring- 37 sec

Crowd shots- 19 sec

Owner booth shot- 15 sec

Announcer shot- 15 sec

Booth coach shot- 11 sec

Cheerleaders- 7 sec

Sideline reporters- sec

Aerial shots- secreport=2012-01-11data

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